News & stories, Celebrating 20 years of Fuel the Care
April 2023
For over 20 years, Irving Oil’s flagship community program, Fuel the Care, has helped bridge the distance between home and hospital for local families with children requiring medical assistance.
Since the program started, fuel gift cards have been provided to more than 80,000 families in Quebec, Atlantic Canada and New England, giving them a lift when they need it most.

To mark this milestone on Fuel the Care Day in October 2022, Irving Oil once again offered free parking to all visitors at the Saint John Regional Hospital. Patients and families were greeted throughout the day by Irving Oil employees as they travelled to and from the hospital.
The company’s generosity extended beyond the parking lot. To mark 20 years of Fuel the Care, Irving Oil doubled its fuel card donation to its seven partner hospitals in Atlantic Canada, Quebec and New England, for an annual total of almost $1 million, as well as expanded Fuel the Care across the Atlantic Basin to Ireland, where it has operations.

Read more about how Fuel the Care made a ‘world of difference’ for Ally Paradis and her son Theo.