Impact, annual reports, current
Annual Report
Celebrating 40 years of impact on patients and their loved ones, creating a healthier future for all New Brunswickers

A letter from our president & CEO
To our valued donors and community,
On behalf of everyone at the Saint John Regional Hospital Foundation, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your generous support over the past 40 years. Your commitment to our mission makes a profound difference in advancing patient care, and I am truly honoured to have you as partners in this journey.
Thanks to your support and trust, the Saint John Regional Hospital and vital health care partners in our communities are making significant strides in improving access and care by investing in health care excellence. Last year was no exception – with your support, we’re celebrating our most impactful year-to-date.
Donors helped transform MRI services, supported hundreds of cancer patients to readjust to daily life after diagnosis and treatment, and invested in research and education, demonstrating our community’s commitment to retaining top medical talent in our province.
Our annual report is a beautiful opportunity to thank you and demonstrate the impact your generous gifts are making. This year we’ve also included a brief lookback at the wonders you’ve worked over the past 40 years. When I take a holistic look at what’s been accomplished and the momentum we continue to have in transforming care at the Saint John Regional Hospital and beyond, it never ceases to amaze me what our donor community makes possible. Your support and the remarkable care of our healthcare providers, is a powerful combination. It demonstrates the power of collaboration and how partnership is needed in finding solutions.
As our province’s largest and most specialized hospital, the SJRH cares for patients from every community in New Brunswick. Today's healthcare challenges are complex. Your unwavering commitment empowers the Foundation to fund solutions to these challenges, support our dedicated hospital staff, and invest in continuous improvement for patient care.
President & CEO
With heartfelt gratitude,
Shannon Hunter

I am deeply grateful to our volunteer leadership, hospital partners, and the dedicated team of fundraisers at the SJRH Foundation. Thanks to your trust and partnership, together, we're creating a healthier future.
I am excited about tomorrow and the continued impact we can achieve together.
Celebrating 40 years of working wonders, together.

Your Impact
by the Numbers
raised to create a healthier tomorrow.
granted to advance patient care & innovations.
gifts received in will to create lasting legacies.
raised by community events.
gifts received from donors like you.
gifts made in memory of loved ones.
In FY23-24 we awarded more than $4.8 million to our Areas of Care, with charitable spending of more than $10.8 million, making this the most impactful year in our 40-year history.
Thank you for helping us make this our most impactful year to date.

Healthcare Excellence:
The RETCAM Envision™
With 9 research positions funded and 8 pieces of equipment awarded in this area this year, we’re ensuring that our hospital is at the leading-edge and focused on constantly evolving to provide patients of all ages with the very best care, right here at home.
The first trip Willow took was not to go home from the hospital with me but to travel by ambulance with a nurse to have this testing completed. Knowing this test is now available at our local hospital means so much to my family and me – I’m grateful that other families won’t have to make that trip.
—Dylan Humphrey, grateful patient and mother of baby Willow, pictured.
babies cared for in the NNICU in 2023
average round-trip kms saved thanks to this new piece of equipment
Cardiac Care:
Two New Heart-Lung Machines
Your support is ensuring that the NB Heart Centre is equipped with the latest equipment to care for their patients as well as ensuring patients have access to programs as they return to their daily lives after a cardiac event.
I can tell you, having worked in some large centers… we offer everything and more that needs to be offered here in New Brunswick and it's the support of donors of the foundation that make that possible.
— Dr. Brent McGrath, Interventional Cardiologist
surgeries per year
Atlantic Canadians served by the NB Heart Centre
donations made in support of 12th annual Love Your Hospital Radio-thon

Patient Support & Access:
Cancer Survivorship Program
Patient support programs provide the little things that have an immediate impact on improving the patient experience, both with comfort and care and giving patients access to services and items they may not be able to otherwise.
These sessions were very informative as well as being interactive, relaxing, uplifting and well executed. Such positivity. I know this program will be well received by future participants and will help each one on the road to recovery.
—Marilyn Underwood, grateful patient
patients and their families supported
saw improved outcomes
programs offered
Annual giving honour roll
Our Heartfelt thanks
We couldn’t do it without our board of directors.
Meet the leaders guiding our way:
The Saint John Regional Hospital Foundation is honoured to recognize leadership supporters whose cumulative contributions between April 1, 2023 and March 31, 2024 have had a significant impact on patient care at our hospital and across the province. Donors receive recognition on the total pledge amount in the year the pledge is received.
A message from our board chair
On behalf of the entire Board of Directors, I extend our deepest gratitude to all our donors for their unwavering support this past year. Your generosity enables us to continue our vital work in advancing healthcare excellence and enhancing the well-being of patients and our communities. Each contribution, no matter the size, plays a critical role in helping us achieve our mission. We are profoundly grateful for your trust and commitment to our cause.
—Jim Mowbray,Board Chair

Thank you to our endowment fund supporters who have created a lasting legacy to support excellence in health care for years to come.
An endowment fund is like a savings account for a charity – the gifts given by the endowment fund supporters are invested, and only the earnings from those investments are used to support healthcare programming.
endowed funds
total granted this year
total value of endowment
Some of the gains realized on these investments helped us take the weight off the surgical team at the NB Heart Centre, with the purchase of 2 Rampart machines