Radio-thon, our donors

Our heartfelt thanks

Thank you to the countless individuals and organizations who supported the 12th Annual Love Your Hospital Radio-thon with their generosity. You've heard our message of gratitude before, but you deserve to hear it again – thank you.


Anonymous donors (59)
Sandra Abbott
Andrea Ackerley
Arnold Acton
Debi Adams
Thomas R. Adams
Sally W. Allanach
Louis Allard
Margret Allen
G Robert Alston
Linda Ames
Geneva Anderson
Anne Armstrong
Beatrice Armstrong
Leona Armstrong
Gerald Armstrong
Ravi Arni
Gary Arnold
Verna Arnold
Guy Arsenault
Lynn Arsenault
Jean Arsenault
Adrienne Arthurs
Bette Mae Ashley
Bruse Askeland
Norma J. Aucoin
Rosé Aucoin
Alejandro Joven


Yvonne Babineau
Brian Baird
Amelia Barry
Dr. Colin Barry and Dr. Gillian Clarke
Tracey Barsalou
Douglas B Bartlett
Raymond Bastarache
Wayne Baxter
Barbara Beal
Bonnie Beardsworth
Richard Beatteay
The Beaverbrook Canadian Foundation
René Bélanger
Eric Belding
Murray Belding
Monica Belyea
Shawna Belyea
Darlene Bembridge
Susan L. Benjamin
Jerry Benson
Herman Beukeveld
Mike Bickerton
Brian D. Biggins
Bonnie Bishop
Erin Black
William Blagden
Wilma Blokhuis
Bombay Spices Saint John
Marc Bouchard
Roger Bouchard
Dr. André and Mrs. Doris Boucher
Heather Bouck
Helene Boudreau
Malcolm Bowes
Eileen Boyd
Lola Boyles
Cathy Brannen
Beverly Branscombe
Carol Ann Branscombe
Gerard Breau
Doreen Brewer
Lynne Brewer
Elizabeth Brideau-Asbridge
Stacey Briggs
Hugh and Rosalie Brittain
Wayne Brophy
June Brown
Patricia Brown
Florence Buchanan
Janice Buchanan
Kevin Buckley
Patrick Buckley
Bob Budge
Catherine Burke
Johanna Burnham
Kim Burns
Wendell Burris
Margaret Burtt
Joseph and Wendy Butler
Ryan Butler


Jeannine M. Caissie
Manley Calhoun
Cathy Cameron and Family
Nick Cameron
Sara Jayne Cameron
Ansel Campbell
Andrew Campbell
Maxine Card
Judy Carlisle
Robert W. Carney
Dr. John and Judith Carson
Gail Cashin
CC Goodwin Consulting Inc
Valery Chambers
George and Marion Chapman
Brenda Chapman
Barbara Charlton
Joyce Chase
Sharon R. Chase
Alma Chiasson
Euclide Chiasson
Bill and Edith Chilton
Jim Chown
Gerald Christie
Sharon L. Clain
Ann Clark
Judith Clark
Katherine Clark
Linda Clark
Sandra A. Clark
Richard and Margie Clark
Elizabeth Clavet
Christine Cohoon
John E. Cole
Louise Collette
Barbara Colpitts
Kenneth and Carlotta Colwell
Joan Cook
J. Wesley Cosman
Colin Costello
William N. Covert
Debra Craig
Ghislaine Crawford
William Crawford
Lucy E. Creighton
Melanie Cromwell
Pam Cronk
Donald Crossman
Gary Crossman
Margaret Crothers
Jennifer Crouse
Allan Cullen
Frances Cunningham
Arthur Cuthbertson


Maurice and Catherine Daigle
Rodrique Daigle
Monica G. Daley
Donna Davey
Edith Davidson
Donald Davis
Dean Welling & Son Fencing
Christopher C. Deep
Randy Defazio
Jocelyn Deichmann
Joan Delong
Carl Densmore
Charles Despres
Leslie K. Dewar
Orville Diamond
Dobson Group of Companies
Barbara Dodds
Laurier Doiron
Michael Donnahee
Janine L. Doucet

Claude Doucette
Andrew Douthwright
Steve Dow
Paul Downey
Judy Drummond
Helen Dudley
Ian Dudley
Sharon Dunkley
Gina Wilkins
Thresa Dunn
Eleanor Dupuis
Gloria Dupuis
Linda Dupuis
Paul Dupuis
Barbara Durling
Stanley and Paulette Durnnian
Dena Duval


Lori Edgar
Viola S. Edgett
Trevor Edwards
Roger F. Eisan
Jerrod Eldridge
Sandy Eldridge
Ervin L. Ellis
Mitchell Emerson
Peter Emerson
Roberta Emerson
Marion Enman
Nancy Creamer Ervin
Crandell Estabrooks


Winston Fairley
David and Norma Fairweather
Shawna Fenton
Alice Fidler
Marie Fillmore
Eileen Finnamore
Brian Firth
Deborah B. Fleming
Jim and Cindy Floyd
Liam Floyd
Richard Floyd
Ron Flynn
Harry J. Follett
Barbara Forbes
Debbie and Dwight Francis
Janice Franklin
Samuel and Deborah Freeze
Donald Frits
Jane Fullerton
Terrance Fullerton
Bliss Fulton


Daniel Gallagher
Nora Gallagher
Patrick Gallagher
William Gallant
Janet Garfield
Melda Garland
Glenna Gaunce
Gavan Gill Inc.
Garvice Gesner
Barbara A. Gibson
Darrell Giggie
Hilda Gillies
Nola Gillis
Valarie Goddard
Rita Godin
Fred Godwin
Gorman Nason
Fred Graham
The Grant Fam
Hollis Grant
Arthur Gremley
Thomas J. Gribbons
David Griffin
Laura Guimond
Carol Guitard


Sheila Hachey
Marianne Haines
Georgia Halavrezos
Lorna P. Haley
Donna Hall
Glenn Hall
Eleanor Harris
Esther Hart
Florence Hatfield
Rose Hauser
William F. Hawco
Floyd Hawkins
Les Hawthorne
Janice Hayes
Mary Isabel Hayes
James and Patricia Hebb
Fred Henderson
Sally Henderson
Faith G. Henneberry
Frank Hennessy
John D. Hickman
Dr. James Hicks
George and Joyce Hill
Betty Hiltz
Wayne A Hinchey
Brian Holland
Patsy Ann Holt
Sharon Holt
Janet Hopper-Ansley
Steven Howe
Jeanette Howley
Helen M. Hubley
Vera Hudson
B. Dianne Hulme
James Hunter
Juanita Hunter
Harry Hurst


Allison and Barbara Ingalls
Armand Iratunga
John and Elizabeth Irving
Sherrie Isaacs


John E. Irving Family (Isles Foundation)
J Smith Excavating
Dorothy R Jackson
Gloria Jameson
Joseph Jankins
John and Anne Jarvie
Linda K. Jarvis
Java Moose
Heather Jeffery
June Jimmo
JO NE D Investments Ltd.
Denise Johnston
Heather Jollymore
Heather Jones
Kevin Jones
Stewart Jones
Kim Jordan
Lawrence Josselyn
Ralph Joudrey


Graham Kaiser
Kizzy Kaye
Paul W. Kaye
Robert Keays
Gail Keirstead
Mary F. Keith
Shirley Keith
Jean H. Kelly
Mary Ann Kelly
Cooke Inc.
The Kent Family
Brian Kilpatrick
Verna Kinsman
Robert and Rhoda Kirkpatrick
Hans and Wendy Klohn
Dale H. Knox
Robert Knox
Claudio J. Krickler


L K Toombs CPA & Associates P.C. Inc.
George Lacey
Nancy Lackie
Michael Lambe
Cecile Lambert
Jennifer Landry
Marguerite Landry
Robert Landry
Cheryl Langford
Kelly Langille
Mary A. Langille
Ruby G. Langille
Michel Laroche
Agatha Lawlor
Lori Leach
Valerie Lebel
Jane LeBlanc
Ronald Leblanc
Jean Guy Lebouthillier
Nicole Lebreton
Ronald Lees
Guy Legendre
Murray William LePoidvin
Micheline Levesque
Howard Libby
Carole Likely
Gwendolyn Linton
John Livingstone
Joyce Livingstone
Alan Lock
Pauline L. Logan
Jennifer Longon
Ronald Losier
William Lunnie


Richard and Helen Mabey
Paul MacAulay
Elaine MacDonald
Pat MacDonald
John F. MacDonald
Joseph MacDougall
Lois E MacDougall
Eldon Mackay
Jim MacKay
Sydney Mackay
Fred MacKenzie
Eric MacKinnon
Isabel MacLaggan
Bill MacMackin
Daniel MacPherson
Jeffrey Maguire
Jacqueline Maillet
Gerald Malinson
Jacqueline Mallory
Betty A. Maloney
Joan E. Manning
Robert Manning
Toby Manuel
Ron Marcolin
Andrew Martell
Eric Martin
Raymond Martin
Susan Martin
Audrey J. Mason
Heather Mason
Sherry Mason
Marilyn Matthews
Bessie J. Mattsson
Lorraine Mazerolle
Jeff and Sophie McAloon
Betty McBride
Christine McBride
Dianne McBride
Gwen McCann
Irene McCarthy
Jeffrey McCluskey
Margo McCluskey
Jo-Ann McCullum
Joanne McDermott
Michael M. McDermott
Barbara McDevitt
Sandra McEachern
J. Alexander McGibbon
Joan McGrattan
Elizabeth J. McGuire
Winston and Anne McHardy
Donald McIntosh
Mary Jo McIntosh
Lloyd McKinley
Hazen and Nina McLean
Nathaniel McLellan
Lois Mclenaghan
George McLong
Bill and Minte McMackin
Shirley McManus
Dr. David and Mrs. Sharon McMullen
Christopher McTague
Oluwaseun Medaiyese
Walter A. Meech
Albert Meehan
Marcel Melanson
Sarah Melville
Alan W. Mersereau
Elizabeth Messer
Andrew and E. Joyce Miller
Sharon Miller
Sholly and Donna Mills
Karen Mills
Verna I. Mills
Millstream United Church Pastoral Charge
Ronald and Mary Mitchell
David Mitchell
Janice Monteith
Matthew Montgomery
Daryl Moore
Victor Moriarity
Doug Morrell
Kathleen Morris
Ronald Morse
Troy Mortimer
Walter Mortimer
Gary Mosher
Jim Mowbray and Sarah Murphy
Lynn Mowbray
Bonnie Muir
Dean Mullin
Karen Mullin
Jonathan Munn
Carolyn Munro
Janet Munro
Christopher Murdock
Faith and Leonard Murphy
Patrick J. Murphy


Edith Newman
Graydon Nicholas
Sharron Nicholson
Judith Nickerson
Mary Nicol
Anne Nordstrom
Mel K. Norton


Thomas and Susan O'Connor
Donald and Patricia O'Dell
Natasha O'Donnell
Michael O'Donnell
Emil T. Olsen
Therese St Onge
Trent O'Niel
Paddy and Carolyn O'Reilly
Constance E. Orr


Carol Page
Richard Page
Kelly Parker
Stephen Parker
Kari Parsons
Neil Patterson
Humfrey Payne
Kurt Peacock
John F. Perry

Terry Pickford
Barbara Piers
Trina Pitre
Eileen Plume
Carol Poitras
Gwen J. Pope
Brian Porter
Graham Powell
Ida Power
Estelle Prince
Johanne Pyatt
Chris Pyne


Rasoph Technologies Inc.
Diane Radford
Robert W. Rangeley
Kristian Rasenberg
RBC Communities Together Fund
Dell Renton
Jean Louis and Shirley Richard
Noella Richard
Nola A. Richard
Rita Richard
Patricia Richard
David and Victoria Ridgway
Frances A. Riley
Joyce Robertson
Patricia E. Rogers
Keith Roherty
Suzanne and Blair Roma
Andrew Ross
Adrienne Roy
Nicole Roy
David Russell


Saint John Energy
Fred Sanders
Kim D. Sangster
Carmel Santerre
Mark Saulnier
Margaret Anne Saunders
Steven Saunders
Claudette Savoie
Beverly Scammell
Lana Schriver
Eunice Scott
Greg and Michelle Scott
Ivan Shaw
Jean Shaw
Bob and Faye Sherrard
David and Michelle Sherrard
Daryl Shonaman
Gail Short
Eleanor R. Shupe
Bev E. Simpson
Wayne Simpson
Jack Skerry
Helen G. Slattery
Thelma Slattery
Verna Slipp
Darrell Small
Denyse Smart
Adrian W Smith
Lloyd Smith
Bren Smith
Colleen Smith
Gary Smith
Mary Lou Smith
Rhoda Smith
Richard Smith
George Stackhouse
Darrell Stephenson
Michael W. Stevens
Dennis Stevenson
Paul and Lorraine Stewart
Len and Lois Stewart
Helen Strachan
James Streeter
Judith A. Streeter
Dexter Stults
Stephen Sutherland
Patricia Sutherland
Dorothy Swift
Phyllis D Swift
Allen Sypher


Harold Tait
Ann Taylor
John M. Terhune
Therese Theriault
H. Allison Thomas
Robert and S.M. Marguerite Thompson
Kenneth Thompson
Lois Thompson
Dr. Carl and Elaine Tilley
Richard Tingley
Glenn Totton
Cindy Totton
Chris Tracy
Carl Trafton
Joyce Trapmore
June Tremain
James Tucker
Dianne Tugwell
James Turnbull
Gardiner M. Turner


Tammy Underhill
Susan Upton


Ramona J Vance
Karen Vandenbroeck
Petr Vanicek
Peggy and Wayne Vaughan
Dinesh Veeraraje


Wayne and Trudy Walker
Dawn Wallace
Edwin Wallace
Rowena Wallace
Brenda A. Ward
Cathryn Ward
Gail Ward
Frank and Anna Waterston
Fraser Waugh
Douglas A. Waycott
Richard Wayne
Kelly Webb-Abbott
Adam Wells
David and Miriam Wells
Michael D. Wennberg
Ross Whalen
Donna Wheaton
Nancy A Wheeler
Redford Whitenect
William Whittaker
David and Marilyn
Paul R. Whittaker
Edna Whitton
Brian Wiebe
Marilyn Wiggins
Gina Wilkins
Melvin and Lynda Wilson
Ian and Patricia Wilson
Harrison Wilson
Stephen Wilson
Charles Wilson
Daphne Wilson
Judy Wilson
Michael Wilson
Murray Wilson
Lloyd Wiseman
Wayne and Wendy Wolfe
Barbara Wood
Deward Wood
Barbara Woodland
Judy A. Woods
E. Margaret Wright